Slovenia Slovenia : Most frequent family names by statistical regions [link to website]. The database of first names and family names of citizens of the Republic of Slovenia. Abstract: site abstract "The database of first names and family names of citizens of the Republic of Slovenia enables you to find out how frequent an individual first name and family name or a combination of a first name and family name is, how fashionable certain names were in certain periods of birth and what first names and especially family names are characteristic for individual regions of Slovenia. The most frequently sought reviews show data on the most frequent first names and family names and the most frequent combinations of first names and family names." (1991). Slovenská onomastická konferencia (Bratislava, Slovakia :1989) . Notes: check ref Central Intelligence Agency. (1962). Slovenian personal names. Washington. Keber, J. (1988). Leksikon imen : izvor imen na Slovenskem. Celje: Mohorjeva dru‹zba. Merkù, P. (1982). Slovenski priimki na zahodni meji’ . Trieste. Notes: =[Slovenian surnames on the Western frontier] check ref Merkù, P. (1993). Svetniki v slovenskem imenoslovju’ . Trieste. Notes: =[Slovenian surnames derived from saints’ names] check ref Merkù, P. (2002). I più antichi cognomi sloveni a Trieste : problematiche e realtà. Revista Italiana Di Onomastica, 8(2), 381-92. Notes: = the ealiest Slovenian surnames in Trieste : problems and realities Abstract: Surnames have existed in Trieste since the 12th century. The Slovenian surnames in Trieste are amongst the earliest example of Slovenian surnames Tasso, M., Lucchetti, E., Pizzetti, P., Vidovic, M., & Caravello, G. (2005). Distribution of surnames and linguistic-cultural identities in Western Slovenia. Collegium Antropologicum, 29(1), 327-336. Tasso, M., Lucchetti, E., & Pizzetti, P. C. G. (2004). Distribution of surnames and and linguistic-cultural identities of the Slovenian and German minorities of north-eastern Italy. Anthrpologischer Anzeiger, (62), 1-18. [page last updated: July 25, 2008]