Spain Spain – General Endika de Mogrobejo : Apellidos vascos, diccionario etimologico. (1996). Editorial Mogrobejo-Zabal. Albaigès i Olivart, J. M. (1984). Diccionari de noms de persona. Barcelona: Edicions Universitat de Barcelona. Notes: Spain Alvarez. (1971). Categories of Spanish toponymical surnames. Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of Onomastic Sciences. Ansón Calvo, M. d. C. (1979). Institucionalización de los apellidos como método de identificación individual en la sociedad Española del siglo xvii. Jer£Nimo Zurita. Cuadernos De Historia , 35, 339-358. Notes: [Institutionalization of surnames as a means of individual identifiction in 17th-century Spanish society].: 1600-59. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "Utilizes baptismal and burial records of the parish of San Pablo, Zaragoza, to determine the prevalence and stability of the use of surnames. Statistical tables of the 228 most common surnames suggests that, although many were apparently recent, the use of surnames by the Catholic Church in its recordkeeping had lent the nomenclature a universality and permanence which would have made its use by secular authorities possible. Although not yet completely consolidated, surnames had become a regular feature of Spanish society by 1659." Carboni, S. (1984). Spanish names, their pronunciation. Athena, Oregon: Fiesta Unlimited, Inc. Notes: Spain Cellini, D. E. (1997). En Un Nombre, Que Hay? An Introduction to Spanish Personal Names. Notes: fulltext: link to article Abstract: author abstract "The learning activities contained in this booklet are designed to help students of Spanish learn to use Spanish personal names approximately in a variety of situations. The first section outlines common titles of address for men and women, lists popular feminine and masculine first names, discusses compound names, lists common Spanish family names, and discusses their order in the formal name or address" Corbera, C. L. (1996). La anthroponimia de los mudéjares: Resistencia y aculturación de una minoría étnico-religiosa. Genèse médiévale de l’anthroponymie moderne: L’anthroponymie document de l’histoire sociale des mondes Méditerranéans Médiévaux: Actes du colloque international organisé par l’École française de Rome avec le concours du GDR 955 du C. N. R.S. (pp. 143-166). Cronshaw, F. (2007). Spanish personal names . Indexer. Notes: Centrepiece 3 : Indexing personal names 3 Dolores Collado M., Ortuño-Ortín, I., & Romeu, A. (2007). Surnames and social structure in Spain. Dolores Collado M., Ortuño-Ortín, I., & Romeu, A. (2005). Vertical transmission of consumption behavior and the distribution of surnames. Abstract: using surnames to detect consumption preferences between generations in Spain Duncan, R. M. Names in the Documento Linguistico de Espana. Folklore Record, (7), 1-12. Abstract: Lawson1: "In 1919, Ramon Menendez Pidal published a collection of notarial documents showing the evolution of Spanish from the 11th to the 15th centuries. Among the documents are the names of 320 men and 410 women. First names and surnames are covered. Categories of names with examples are given. 1 ref." Equipo de Expertos 2100. (1995). Gran diccionario de los nombres de persona. Barcelona: Editorial de Vecchi. Faure, R., Asunción Ribes, M., & García, A. (2001). Diccionario de apellidos españoles. Madrid: Espasa. Fernandez-Suarez, Y. (1990). Spanish personal names of Greek origin. Onomata, (13), 107-114. Notes: Refs. Table Ferreira, M. (1990). The system of patronymic names in the Iberian peninsula. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Onomastic Sciences (pp. 314-321). The University of Helsinki : The Finnish Research Centre for Domestic Languages. Notes: author’s website: Fucilla, J. G. (1976). Office and occupational surnames in Spain. Names, 24, 144-164. Abstract: Lawson1: "Analysis of telephone directories from Madrid and Barcelona plus other sources shows how several hundred surnames were derived from occupational associations. Categories include: noblemen and their entourage (Rey, ‘king’; Lancero, ‘lancer’), Churchmen (Perlado, ‘prelate’; Canonje ‘canon’) and trades (Ferrer, ‘smith’; Molinar, ‘miller’) and others. 18refs." Publisher’s abstract "Links social status with names in Spain, 16th-19th centuries. " Fucilla, J. G. (1978). Spanish nicknames as surnames. Names, 26, 139-176. Abstract: Lawson1: "Comparative analysis showing the different categories of surnames developed from nicknames. The types include: kinship surnames (Padre ‘father’), anatomical nickname surnames (Carillo ‘cheek’), compound (Matalobos ‘wolf hunter’), metaphorical (Gato ‘cat’), desirable (Esperanza ‘hope’), undesirable (Salvaje ‘savage’), and miscellaneous (Aquado ‘well-soaked’). Hundreds of examples. 11 refs." García Gallarín, C. (1998). Los nombres de pila españoles. Madrid: Ediciones del Prado. Gilmore, D. D. (1982). Some Notes on Community Nicknaming in Spain . Man , 17 [New Series](4), 686-700. Gorden, R. L. (1968). Spanish personal names as barriers to communication betwen Latin Americans and North Americans. Yellow Springs, Ohio: Antioch College. Abstract: Lawson1: "Description of the Latin American naming system which involves a first name (nombre), middle name (segundo nombre), and two surnames (primer apellido, segundo appellido). Anecdotes to show how lack of understanding of the system can cause difficulties for North Americans. Origins of the 101 most common first names. Several tables of the approximate frequency of first names and surnames in 10 major Latin American cities" Gosnell, C. F. (1938). Spanish personal names : principles governing their formation and use which may be presented as a help for catalogers and bibliographers. New York: Wilson. Notes: Written as thesis for the degree of M. S. at the Schoolof Library Service, Columbia Univ Gosnell, C. F. (1971). Spanish personal names principles governing their formation and use which may be presented as a help for catalogers and bibliographers. Detroit: B. Ethridge-Books. Notes: Bibliography: p. [89]-101 Guerriero, A. J. (2002). Spanish Surnames in the Periphery of Naples. Geolinguistics: Journal of the American Society of Geolinguistics, 28, 34-47. Hill, F. J. (2000). Spanish first names. New York: Hippocrene Books. Hills, E. C. (1926). Spanish patronymics ending in -z. Revue Hispanique, (68), 161-173. Abstract: Lawson1: "Description and analysis of a number of types of Spanish surname. The -z ending is derived from Latin genitive endings of -ci and -tii. Examples include Diaz, Ruiz, Sanz, and Ponz" Madvell, C. R. (1967). The romance of Spanish surnames. New Orleans: The Author. Abstract: Lawson1: "Includes a brief history of Spanish surnames. Most are patronymic or based on location. Others are derived from occupations or nicknmaes. The main dictionary gives the etymology of approximately 1000 surnames. 17 refs." Makiyama, H. (1993). Mateo Alemán y los problemas del apellido y del linaje. Hispanofila, (107), 1-9. Notes: Mateo Aleman and the problems of surnames and lineage Miralles i Monserrat, J. (2003). Estudis d’onomàstica. Palma/ Barcelona: Universitat de les Illes Balears, Departament de Filologia Catalana i Lingüística General/Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserra. Notes: pròleg de Josep Moran Múgica, J. A. (1966). Los apellidos de Iberia: Su origen y evolución. Edili. Notes: 302pp Salazar-Acha, J. (1991). Génesis y evolución histórica del apellido en España . Madrid: Real Academia Matritense de Heráldica y Genealogía. Santos, R. G. (1981). Origin of Spanish names : cómo te llamas y por que te llamas así. [San Antonio?, Texas]: R.G. Santos. Sarramea, J. (2007). Spanish Family Names in Italy . Historiens Et Geographes, (398), 61-64. Solís Miranda, J. A. (2000). Guía de todos los apellidos : sus orígenes, su historia, como es su escudo familiar, antepasados destacados, etc. [Sada, La Coruña, España]; Arca de Papel Editores. Sopena, P. M. (1996). L’anthroponymie de l’Éspagne chrétienne entre le IXe et le XIIe siècle {The anthroponymy of Christian Spain between the 9th and the 12th centuries). in: Genèse médiévale de l’anthroponymie moderne: L’anthroponymie document de l’histoire sociale des mondes Méditerranéans Médiévaux: Actes du colloque international organisé par l’École française de Rome avec le concours du GDR 955 du C. N. R.S. (pp. 63-85). Steiner, M. F. F. (1953). An etymological study of old Spanish personal names. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Northwestern University. Stodder, J. (1998). Double-surnames and gender equality : a proposition and the Spanish case. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 29(3), 585-593. Abstract: "This paper begins by showing that double-naming can treat both sexes equally, and still achieve other properties that may seem mutually incompatible. It then considers Spanish naming as an approximation to this schema, and finds some evidence that the maintenance of female surnames may be connected to equal inheritance and a relatively high female status. Obviously, this evidence is only suggestive. Throughout North-America and Western Europe, a wide variety of surname compromises are now on display in real family lives. The double-surname system advocated here will not be adopted because of a logical proof, nor can the adoption of such a system secure the victory of cultural norms. Norms emerge rather from the decomposition of older norms, from millions of more-or-less unhappy compromises of people trying to ‘have it both ways’ " Stodder, J. (1998). Double-surnames and gender equality: A proposition and the Spanish case. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 29(3 (Autumn)), 585-593. Abstract: Discusses the system of providing children with double surnames in Spain. Equal inheritance through the male and female line; Female succession in a lineage if male heirs are lacking; Independence for women; Social groupings maintained for endogamy; Hyper-articulation of relatedness and nobility Tibón, G. (1988). Diccionario etimológico comparado de los apellidos españoles, hispanoamericanos y filipinosEditorial Diana. Notes: reprinted 1995? Spain – Bibliographies Bibliografia Orokorra/Bibliografía General. Notes: link to website Spain – Genetics Esparza, M., GarciaMoro, C., & Hernandez, M. (2006). Genetic Relationships Between Parishes in the Ebro Delta Region (Spain) as Estimated by Migration Matrix and Surnames . Human Biology, 78(6), 647-662. Fuster, V. (1986). Relationship by isonymy and migration pattern in northwest Spain. Human Biology, (58), 391-406. Rodriguez-Larralde, A., Gonzales-Martin, A., Scapoli, C., & Barrai, I. (2003). The names of Spain: A study of the isonymy structure of Spain. American Journal Of Physical Anthropology, 121(3), 280-292. Abstract: In order to estimate the isonymy structure of Spain, we studied surname distribution in 283 Spanish towns based on 3.625 million telephone users selected from 6.328 million users, downloaded from a commercial CD-ROM which contains all 13 million users in the country. Since in Spain the surname is made by the paternal and the maternal surname, it was possible to classify surnames according to parental origin. Two matrices of isonymy distances, one for paternal and one for maternal surnames, were constructed and tested for correlation with geographic distance. For thewhole of Spain, Euclidean distance was significantly but weakly correlated with geographic distance both for paternal and maternal surnames, with r = 0.205 +/- 0.013 and r = 0.263 +/- 0.012, respectively.Two dendrograms of the 283 sampled towns were built from the two matrices of Euclidean distance. They are largely colinear. Four main clusters identified by the dendrograms are correlated with geography. Given the surname structure of Spain, we were able to calculate from isonymy and for each town 1) total or expressed inbreeding, 2) random or expected inbreeding, and 3) local inbreeding. Total inbreeding, F(IT), was highest in the North Atlantic regions and lowest along the Mediterranean Coast. Spain – Statistical Inebase. (The most frequent names and surnames of residents in Spain [Web Page]. [1915, December 7]. Notes: link to website Abstract: "Within the Most frequent names and surnames of residents in Spain section, there are the 100 most frequent names and surnames for the national territory, the 50 most frequent by province of residence, the 10 most frequent by nationality and sex, except when there are under 5 inhabitants in some of the distributions. Information on the year of birth is also offered for the names." Spain – Regions Abstract: Regions of Spain (roughly grouped):- North-West (Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria, Castile-Leon) North-East (Basques, La Rioja, Navarre, Aragon, Catalonia) Central (Madrid, ExtreMadura, Castile La Mancha, Valencia) Southern (Andalusia, Murcia) Other (Balearic Islands, Ceuta, Canary Islands, Mellila) Spain – Andalusia Balduque Álvarez, A., & Pajares Moraleda, J. A. (2003). Apellidos en Alcaudete. Concejalía de Cultura. Notes: 322pp Abstract: wikipedia : Alcaudete is a city located in the province of Jaén, Spain. According to the 2006 census (INE), the city has a population of 11,164 inhabitants. Instituto de Estadística de Andalucía. (Statistics on first names and family names for Andalusians [Web Page]. URL link to website. Spain – Asturias Sauri Colomer, R., & Hanks, P.Iberian names in North America: the case of Asturian. Notes: link to article Viejo Fernández, J. (1998). La onomástica asturiana bajomedieval : nombres de persona y procedimientos denominativos en Asturias de los siglos XIII al XV. Tübingen : Niemeyer. Notes: 581p Viejo Fernández, X. ([1997]). La conformanza hestórica de l’antroponimia asturiana : tradición, modes y continuidános nomes medievales de persona : estudiu estadisticu . [Oviedo] : Principáu d’Asturies, Conseyería de Cultura. Notes: 185p Viejo Fernández, X. (1992). Entamos d’onomástica asturiana. Uviéu [Spain] : Serviciu Publicaciones. Notes: 232p Viejo Fernández, X. (1992). Entamos d’onoma´stica asturiana . Uviéu [Spain] : Serviciu Publicaciones. Notes: 232p Spain – Basque Arana eta Goiri’tar, S. (1896). Tratado etimológico de los apellidos euskéricos . Berlanga García, F. (1989). Apellidos iberoeuskericos. Notes: 94pp Comisión de Onomástica de la Real Academia de la Lengua Vasca. Nomenclátor de apellidos vascos (Euskal deituren izendegia / Euskaltzaindiaren Onomastika batzordea . [Madrid]/[Bilbao]: Ministerio de Justicia/ Real Academia. Kerexeta, J., & Abrisqueta, F. d. (1985). Vascos en Colombia. Editorial Oveja Negra. Notes: 761 pp Michelena, L. (1953). Apellidos vascos. San Sebastián: Biblioteca Vascongada. Narbarte Iraola, N. (1968). Diccionario etimológico de apellidos vascos: Etimología o significado de los … Gómez. Notes: 267pp Paris, C. (1975). Basque Surnames. Bulletin De La Societe De Linguistique De Paris, 70(2), 325-326. Spain – Canary Islands Alvarez Delgado, J. (1979). Antropónimos guanches (Colección "Guagua" No. 5). Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Mancomunidad de Cabildos, Plan Cultural, y Museo Canario. Notes: Added Title: Antropónimos indigenas canarios (Personal names of the Canary Islands) Spain – Cantabria González Echegaray, M. d. C., & García de la Pedrosa, C. (2001). Diccionario de apellidos y escudos de Cantabria. Santander: Estvdio. Ramirez Sadaba, J. L. (1998-1999). The names of Cantabria. Onoma: Bibliographical & Information Bulletin, 34, 119-132. Ramírez Sádaba, J. L. (1998). Apellidos cantabros derivados de nombres celticos. Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Onomastic Sciences (pp. 297-301)./ Spain – Castille-Leon Alcàntara Godoy, J. (1871). Apellidos Castellanos . M. Rivadeneyra . Díez Melcón, G. (1957). Apellidos castellano-leoneses(siglos IX-XIII, ambos inclusive). Universidad de Granada. Godoy, A. J. (1980). Ensayo histórico etimológico filológico sobre los apellidos castellanos. Barcelona: El Albir. Notes: first published 1871 Godoy Alcántara, J. (1994). Ensayo histórico etimológico filológico sobre los apellidos castellanos. Salamanca: Librería Cervantes. Notes: first published 1871 Youmans, C. L. (1955). Diccionario de apellidos Castellanos, origen y significado. Notes: 152pp Spain – Catalonia Albaigès i Olivart, J. M. (2005). El gran llibre dels cognoms catalans. Barcelona: Edicions 62. Bagué, E. (1975). Noms personals de l’edat mitjana : contribució a la història cultural dels països catalans. Palma de Mallorca: Editorial Moll. Bellver, J. (1989). Noms de famille et origine étymologique des noms catalans Andorre, Baléares, Capcir, Cerdagne, Conflent, Principat de Catalogne, Roussillon, Royaume de Valence, Sardaigne ‘L’Alguer’, Vallespir. St-Estève: Impr. littéraire M. Fricker. Bolós i Masclans, J. (1994). Repertori d’antropònims catalans (RAC). Barcelona: Institut d’Estudis Catalans. Corominas, J. (1989). Onomasticon Cataloniae. Barcelona: Curial Edicions Catalanes; Caixa de Pensiones "La Caixa". Cuartas, A. (1987). Apellidos catalanes : heraÌ ldica de Catalunya. Madrid : Paraninfo. Notes: Catalonian surnames and heraldry/ 336p Abstract: 2008/03/24 Güell, Maia et al. Intergenerational Mobility and the Informative Content of Surnames (2007). London: LSE. Notes: fulltext: link to article Abstract: uses a casestudy of Catalan names IDESCAT. 2006. (Els Noms De La Població De Catalunya Per Nacionalitats [Web Page]. Notes: Institut d’ Estadistica de Catalunya Kohlheim, R. (1998-1999). The change of cultural values as reflected in modern name-giving in Catalonia. Onoma, 34, 229-248. Mas i Miralles, A., & Montoya Abat, B. (1999). Use and Disuse of Catalan Anthroponyms in Elx, 1565-1738. Catalan Review: International Journal of Catalan Culture, 13(1-2), 135-154. Moll , F. d. B. (1959). Els Llinatges catalans (Catlaunya, Pais Valencià, Illes Balears). Mallorca: Editorial Moll. Palau Martí, M. (1989). Els noms de bateig a Andorra al segle XVII . [Andorra] : Andorra Govern, Conselleria d’Educació i Cultura. Schmid, B. (2007). Das katalanische Personennamensystem. in: A. Brendler, & S. Brendler (editors), Europäische Personennamensysteme. Ein Handbuch von Abasisch bis Zentralladinisch (pp. 387-398). Baar. Spain – Galicia Boullón, A. I. (2006). Antroponimia e territorio: sobre a difusión dos apelidos en Galicia. in: R. Álvarez, F. Dubert, & X. Sousa (editors), Lingua e territorio (pp. 235-255). Santiago de Compostela: ILG. Consello da Cultura Galega. Boullón, A. I., & Tato Plazo, F. R. (1998-1999). Personal names in Galicia as a sign of cultural identification: historical scope and current situation. Onoma, 34, 15-44. Feixó Cid, X. G. (2003). Dicionario galego dos nomes. Vigo: Xerais. Prego-Vázquez, G. (2003). ‘¿De onde es? De quen es? : Local identities, discursive circulation, and manipulation of traditional Galician naming patterns. Estudios De Sociolingüística: Linguas, Sociedades e Culturas, 4(1), 229-253. Abstract: In this paper I will analyse how traditional Galician naming patterns circulate from discourses produced in traditional networks to the institutional and political speech belonging to the networks that emerge in the process of urbanisation and establishment of a democratic political system in Galicia. Based on the Ethnography of Communication, Interactional Sociolinguistics, Conversational Analysis and Critical Discourse Analysis, I will examine -from a broad interdisciplinary perspective- the social relevance of these discursive practices to the negotiation of local identities. I will observe how politicians, aside from using technical nomination and introduction procedures, characteristic of political jargon, strategically mobilise traditional naming patterns (Prego Vázquez, 2000). Along these lines, I will study how this type of discursive circulation concerns the process of conversationalisation of institutional discourse (Fairclough, 1997) in order to cover the asymmetric interactive relations between institutional representatives and individuals and, in this way, enhance the exercise of persuasion (Prego Vázquez, to appear). The analysis is based on a data corpus collected in Bergantiños (A Coruña): it is composed of haggling in rural markets, regueifas, sung or rhymed verbal challenges in which two individuals face off and, finally, public discourse (political and institutional) USC. Instituto da Lingua Galega. (Cartografía dos apelidos de Galicia . Spain – Madrid Instituto de Estadística de la Comunidad de Madrid. 2006. (Guía De Nombres Y Primer Apellido De Los Residentes En La Comunidad De Madrid 1998-2005 [Web Page]. URL link to website. [page last updated: July 25, 2008]