Turkey* Abdurrahman, V. (2004). Turklerin ad koyma gelenekleri uzerine bir inceleme. Milli Folklor. 8(61), 124-133. Notes: An inquiry on the name giving traditions among Turkish people Acikel, A. (2003). Turkish Personal Names in the District Of Artukabad 1455-1520 (Artukabad Kazasinda Turk Kisi Adlari). Journal of Social Sciences [Firat University in Elazig] . Agirgan, Ö. (2004). Dünden bügüne Edirne isimler sözlügü. Edirne [Turkey]: Ulusal Bellek. Notes: Turkish personal names dictionary Aksan, D. (1998). Her Yönüyle Dil : Ana Çizgileriyle Dilbilim. Ankara: TDK Yayinlari, 2. Baski. Notes: fuller details needed Aksu, I. (2006). The story of Turkish surnames : an onomastic study of Turkish family names, their origins, and related matters. Çanakkale, Turkey: Olay Gazetesi. Notes: ISBN 9944516309 Abstract: "In Ottoman times, everyone in Turkey was identified by titles, nicknames, birthplace, and parentage. Then, in 1934, a new law was issued. Everyone had to take a surname. Why did one family choose this surname and another family take that surname? This book relates the circumstances in anecdotal form as remembered by the family itself." (back cover). Alakus, M. (2007). Turkish names . Indexer. Notes: Centrepiece 2 : Indexing personal names 2 Basgöz, I. The name and society : a case study of personal names in Turkey. Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikviteks Akademiens Konferensar 12 (pp. 1-14). Birnbaum, E. (1968). Ottoman Turkish Names: The Choice of Entry Words for Alphabetical Listing . Journal of the American Oriental Society, 88(2), 228-238. Bozyi git, E. (1995). Türk adbilimi bibliyografyasi : Türkiye’de yay‡mlanan çali¸smalar : deneme. Ankara: Ayyildiz Yayinlari. Notes: Bibliography Bulliet, R. W. (1978). First Names and Political Change in Modern Turkey . International Journal of Middle East Studies , 9(4), 489-495. Cem, H. (1990). Ke’lalaka : Osmanlilar’da lakaplar ve hikayeleri . Istanbul: Yilmaz Yayinlan. Notes: 178pp Central Intelligence Agency. (1961). Turkish personal names. Washington. Notes: Bibliography: p. 21-22 Choi, H.-W. (1990). The names of Türk and T’ou-kiue. 32nd Meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference, 1989, June (pp. 65-74). Universitets Forlaget. Notes: Turkey Develliglu, F. (1993). Osmanlica-Türkçe Ansiklopedik Lugat. Istanbul: Aydin Kitabevi. Notes: Ottoman-Turkish encyclopedic dictionary. Includes Ottoman script and Latin alphabet. Duman, D. (2004). A characterization of Turkish personal name inventory. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, (165), 155-177. Gencosman, K. Z. (1975). Türk isimleri sözlü gü . Istanbul: HürYayin ve Ticaret A. ¸S. Notes: Dictionary Gocheva, P. (1988). Reforma, zabulena s mulchanie. Sofiia: Izd-vo na Otechestveniia front. Abstract: Names-legal status Köksal, A. (1980). Dil ve Ekin. Notes: check ref Neuburger, M. (2004). A Muslim by any "other" name : the power of naming and re-naming. (The Orient Within: Muslim Minorities and the Negotiation of Nationhood in Modern Bulgaria), (pp. 142-168). Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Notes: a chapter on names, mostly name-changes of Turks in Bulgaria. Pinto, B. B. (2004). The Sephardic Onomasticon : an etymological research on Sephardic family names of the Jews living in Turkey . Istanbul: Gözlem Gazetecilik Basin Ve Yayin A.¸S. Rasonyi. (1976). The psychology and categories of name-giving among the Turkish people. Türk Dili Arasturmalari Yillgi: Belleten, (34). Sakaoglu, S. (2001). Türk ad bilimi. Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu. Savk, U.-C. (2002). Karakalpak kisi adlari uzerine bir inceleme. Milli-Folklor, 7(54), 62-67. Notes: A study on the karakalpak Turkish personal names Spencer, R. F. (1961). The social context of modern Turkish names. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, (17), 205-218. Abstract: Lawson1: "Description of modern Turkish first names and surnames practices; the 1934 Turkish name law. 15 refs." Türköz, M. F. "The Social Life of the State’s Fantasy: Memories and Documents on Turkey’s 1934 Surname Law.". Notes: Book Volume: [‘DAI 2004 65(3): 1063-A. <i>DA3125908</i>’] U. of Pennsylvania 2004. 226 pp. Vergin, N. (1985). Social Change and the Family in Turkey. Current Anthropology, (26), 571-574. Abstract: The Family Names Act of 1935 required the adoption of a family surname. Lineage or clan surmames were banned, and families were forced to adopt a family name (Vergin 2000). In general, the Western-style nuclear family was held up as an idealized model (Kadiyoti, 1988.) Zgusta, L. (1964). Kleinasiatische Personennamen. Prag: Verlag der Tschechoslowakischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Notes: 701pp Çalik, M. K. (1989). Türk adi ve soyadi sözlügü . Istanbul: S. Yayinlari. Abstract: Dictionary of Personal names [page last updated: July 25, 2008]